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Innate Wisdom Coaching



Wellness Empowered by

Ancient Wisdom, Science, and Technology

The Power in You



可惜現代生活壓力太大,對身體的要求和考驗相對嚴苛。我們常常忘了該給它機會、時間 和條件去修復,以致於和身體的智慧失去連結,自癒力因而無法發揮。






不管你的健康目標是什麼, 能夠指引你朝目標前進的各種飲食和生活型態資訊,網路上垂手可得。很多都極有道理,你能不能、 願不願意執行,則是另外一回事。你可能嚐試執行過一段時間,但不確定到底有沒有效果,或者根本無法持續。這就是我這個健康教練可以出力的地方。


在正式開始與客戶進行諮商之前,我會先幫客戶做一個全身性的 NES身心靈能量健檢。這套健檢系統結合中醫經絡、量子物理 (Quantum Physics)、心念醫學  (Mind Medicine)和電腦科技, 可以在十秒鐘內多次掃瞄全身的能量場,找出客戶在身、心、靈和環境因素上的能量失衡和阻塞點。中醫經絡和量子物理已經證實,人體的能量場是生化反應的主控系統 (master control system) ,這個掃瞄結果不只去除許多不必要的猜測,提供了療癒指南,還能追本溯源的直接從源頭進行矯正。若再加上我這個專業教練所提供,針對每個客戶的不同需求而客製化地具體行動步驟,等於縮短了療癒之路。



we can harness the power in you to improve

The Power in You

Feeling gassy, bloated after eating? Dealing with auto-immune diseases? Food allergy or sensitivity?


Feeling burned out? Difficult to fall  and stay asleep and don't wake up feel refreshed? Sore and pain all over? 


Having brain fog? Skin breakouts? Bowel issues?


Dealing with hormonal imbalance? Heavy or painful periods? Not losing or gaining weight? Low libido? 


Feeling overwhelmed easily? Having mood swings? Irritated easily ? Afternoon lows? 


Having food craving beyond your control? Depressed? Feeling stuck in general?  

Holistically speaking, these are all connected...

Meet Peilin

Meet Peilin


Hi! My name is Peilin! I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, whole food cooking instructor, cookbook author, and NES bioenergetic health practitioner.


After recovering from my own health challenges through natural and holistic methods, I empower my clients to live their lives fully and feel their best through the use of food, life style changes, constructive mindsets, and holistic healing modalities. 


Before I began working with Peilin I was in a rut. I found myself frequently despairing about the choices I made that didn’t serve the person I wanted to be. I was overweight and had a very negative perception of myself. Peilin helped me find an easy and accessible method of choosing health for myself. She helped me shift into wanting to treat my body well instead of struggling through guilt when I “failed” to eat right and exercise. Through adding nutrition therapy into my diet, and slowly shifting into a primarily plant-based diet, my energy has increased, and I’ve lost 15 lbs in 2 months that made me feel much more comfortable in my body. She was mindful and encouraging reminding me frequently that the road to health is a journey. I found the actionable steps she suggested helped me

attain my goals. I have maintained a healthier lifestyle for 6 months now and feel great! Thank you Peilin!

- Melanie Pennington

Before I came to Peilin, I was clinically depressed and didn’t care about living. I had endured a lot of trauma as a child and in a previous marriage. Covid and the loss of my mom added more layers to my grief. I was struggling with digestive issue, multiple sclerosis, and debilitated pain that forced me to stop doing my favorite activities. Through the guidance of Peilin and her nutritional protocol, I have released a lot of emotional baggage and started seeing the light within just 2 months. I feel great and very happy. I’ve regained my mobility to enjoy gardening again several hrs a day, 3-4 days a week! I’ve made so much progress and healing on many different levels that I am inspired to continue moving forward. I truly respect and appreciate Peilin’s coaching.

- Marsha R. 


Get your free consultation and sample scan now!

Peilin Chiu

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Certified NES Bioenergetic Health Practitioner

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